Medicine woman and Director of Hampi Mama Sanctuary, Leticia Guevara bridges the best of both traditional and western medicine, dedicating herself to providing health care for her community through traditional Quechua medicines.

Custom Andean Treatments

Identify problem areas of the body and spirit. Then, a custom treatment will be created for you using traditional Inkan medicinal plants.

Energetic Purification

Traditional Quechua purification treatment based on thorny plants. Cleanse heavy spirits or stagnant energy and purify the soul.

Wild Nettle Treatment

Traditional healing technique based on "Kisa" or wild stinging nettles. Treat: menstrual irregularity, lumbar pain, poor circulation, muscle stiffness.

Traditional Egg Limpia

Ancient Inkan cleansing treatment using the energy from an egg used to release trauma and rid yourself of negative energy.

Postpartum Protocol

Quechua postpartum healing developed individually for each patient. Consultations are donation based with medicines available to purchase.

Inkan Flower Bath

After boiled over a fire and cooled, this herbal bath is poured from head to toe. Cleansing the spirit and allowing your intention to flow back into Mother Earth to attract positive energy.

Leticia Huanca Guevara is the director of Hampi Mama Sanctuary and a Quechua Medicine Woman.

About Leticia

Leticia is a holistic therapist in her village, a powerhouse mother, and a Quechua medicine woman carrying forward the wisdom of nature curing patients and teaching students who like to learn.

Individual Treatments

Medicine woman and Director of Hampi Mama, Leticia Guevara offers healing services in the Sacred Valley. Each full price service helps provide healthcare to a member of her community at low cost.

Pacha Munay Wellness Resort in the Sacred Valley of Peru

Book a Retreat

At Pacha Munay Wellness Resort, Leticia offers a variety of medicinal and spa services. For a holistic treatment plan that targets the body and spirit, Leticia’s deep knowledge of medicinal plants will create an experience tailored to you.